The Aims of RP Tutoring

My mission is to ensure that every child who comes to me at RP Tutoring makes significant progress under my tutelage, regardless of their starting point. This progress will not only be academic, but will include a developed confidence, attitude to learning and an understanding of their own learning that will benefit each child long beyond their time with me.

Academic progress is made when a teacher has a thorough understanding a child’s personality, learning style, strengths and areas for development. This is why I am keen to learn as much as possible about the children in my initial conversations with parents and happy to receive pieces of work and reports via email prior to children starting their first session with me. The more I know about a child the more effectively I can ensure that every minute spent at RP Tutoring is productive. My personalised assessment system will also play an important role in each child’s progress.

Finally, and most importantly, none of the above works anywhere near as effectively if the relationship between teacher and pupil is not strong. All children enjoy challenging themselves if they are in an environment where they are motivated yet relaxed. In my experience, good humour and a genuine interest in the children have never failed to enhance their education. Fun and focus should never be seen as opposites!